RMT Treatment Prices (as of April 1st, 2023)

Initial Massage Treatment (60 minute massage treatment with assessment): $130 CAD (tax included)

Subsequent 60 Minute Massage Treatment: $130 CAD (tax included)

Subsequent 45 Minute Massage Treatment: $105 CAD (tax included)

Subsequent 30 Minute Massage Treatment: $85 CAD (tax included)

Subsequent 75 Minute Massage Treatment:
This option is currently unavailable to limit transmission of COVID-19.

Subsequent 90 Minute Massage Treatment:
This option is currently unavailable to limit transmission of COVID-19.

ICBC Treatment Prices (as of April 1st, 2023)
*Treatment must be pre-approved by ICBC to qualify for this service

Initial Massage Treatment (60 minute massage treatment with assessment): No User Fee

Subsequent ICBC Treatment (45 Minutes): $105 CAD (tax included)
*Please note that the price includes a $10.50 user fee for all 45 minute treatments

Subsequent ICBC Treatment (60 Minutes): $130.00 CAD (tax included)
*Please note that the price includes a $30.50 user fee for all 60 minute treatments